Vehicle Loan

Who can apply

  1. Professionals / Self Employed.
  2. Salaried persons
  3. Business Men


  1. To purchase vehicle for Private Use
  2. To Purchase vehicle for Transport Business

 Maximum Limit

  1. In case of new vehicles 75% of the value of the vehicle amount. 


  1. 60 monthly installments-reducing balance


  1. Minimum two Sureties out of which one should be an income tax payer and one should own a vehicle.
  2. The Borrower and all the sureties should be Regular/Nominal members of the Bank.
  3. The vehicle which is financed.
  4. Collateral security

Documents Required

  1. Loan application
  2. Residential proof of Applicant and sureties

In case of New vehicles

  1. Proforma Invoice
  2. Quotation of Body Cabin
  3. Margin money challan
  4. Letter for transport company
  5. Saving/Current Account Statement
  6. Proof of Occupation and Income
  7. Certified Balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/c. Statements of the borrowers and sureties other than salaried persons.
  8. In case of salaried persons pay slip of last three months.
  9. Other certificates
  10. Any other document required by bank.

In case of Old vehicles

  1. RC Book original
  2. Valuation Report
  3. Xerox copy of permit
  4. Xerox copy of insurance
  5. Tax book copy
  6. Fitness certificate copy
  7. Account of Business
  8. Saving/Current Account Statement
  9. Proof of Occupation and Income
  10. Certified Balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/c. Statements of the borrowers and surities other than salaried persons.
  11. In case of salaried persons pay slip of last three months.
  12. Other certificates

Any other document required by bank.